How to get to Bohinj?

Transport options and other useful information. By car, train or bus. There are many possibilities for a trip to Bohinj.

By car

  • past Bled and through Soteska
  • across Pokljuka
  • from the Primorska region to Podbrdo and via Soriška planina/Bohinj tunnel.

by train

Take a ride along the Bohinj railway line, one of the most picturesque and history-rich railway lines in Slovenia. You can also take a bike on the train.

  • from Jesenice to Bohinjska Bistrica
  • from Nova Gorica to Bohinjska Bistrica,
  • from Bohinjska Bistrica you can continue your journey by bus or taxi
  • timetable of Slovenian Railways

By car train

The car train runs on one of the most beautiful railway lines in Europe.

  • The car train railway through Bohinj tunnel connects Bohinjska Bistrica with Podbrdo, Most na Soči and Nova Gorica, and thus also with Gorenjska and Primorska.
  • It runs daily on the Bohinj railway.
  • car train timetable
  • When using the car train, make sure you are at the train station at least 20 minutes before departure.

By bus

Bohinj has a very good daily connection to the main bus station in Ljubljana. Choose a sustainable way to travel, for Bohinj in bloom.


By airplane

Nearby airports:

  • Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport (50 km), then by rental car, taxi or bus
  • to Ronchi Airport in Trieste (200 km), then by rental car or taxi
  • Klagenfurt Airport (70 km), then by rental car, taxi or train

Useful information