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An unexpected complication occurs in Dwarfyule, a village where the Dwarfs have never before celebrated December without their festive cakes. One night, all the cakes suddenly disappear! A mysterious trail appears in the village, leading from house to house, and the inhabitants wonder who will dare to follow this trail and solve the mystery. Will the elves be left without their beloved festive treats?
Meanwhile, Little Dwarfs Frida and Grimilda may be hiding the solution. What are they planning and how will they help the village? Find out in our new show “The Festive Conundrums of the Goblins” for the 2023 season.
The show, directed by Lucija Trobec, a student of AGRFT, will last 30 minutes and will take place at the market in Ribčevo Lazo. Don’t miss this magical festive adventure!
© Turizem Bohinj, 2022, All Rights Reserved
Stara Fužina 38, 4265 Bohinjsko jezero
e: [email protected], t: +386 (0)4 57 47 590
Production: opa!celica