Bohinj Saturday Market

Bohinj market with local produce and products. Every Saturday from 8 am to 1 pm in Bohinjska Bistrica.   You can choose from a variety of delicacies at the market: – Bohinjsko/From Bohinj branded products, – local dairy products and cheeses (including organic), – eggs and seasonal produce, – fish and fish culinary products, –...

Equinox Sound Meditation: Crystal Sounds and Voice

The first part of the workshop is designed to relax the body and mind in a bath of gongs, Himalayan and crystal bowls, crystal pyramid, lyre, shruti, chimes and other sounds. Here we can let go of tension, stress and fatigue. The second part follows where we are invited to use our voice - gently,...

The Forest Theraphy

The magic of forest therapy The Forest Therapy Slovenia community invites you to discover the magic of forests with free guided forest therapies. Based on the philosophy that the forest is a therapist in itself, while the guides serve as a bridge to it, these unique therapies offer you the opportunity to disconnect from everyday...

Bohinj Saturday Market

Bohinj market with local produce and products. Every Saturday from 8 am to 1 pm in Bohinjska Bistrica.   You can choose from a variety of delicacies at the market: – Bohinjsko/From Bohinj branded products, – local dairy products and cheeses (including organic), – eggs and seasonal produce, – fish and fish culinary products, –...

Mother’s Day on Vogel ski resort

*Personal offer: - 50% discount on the purchase of a one-day ski pass for all women (25.3.2024) We will celebrate Mother's Day on the Vogel by rewarding all women with a 50% discount on a day pass that day. Kindly invited!

Embroidering and stitching with Irma Zupanc

You are invited to a handicraft experience in the Bohinj House, this time with a focus on embroidery and hand embroidery. A presentation on embroidery and basic embroidery techniques with Mrs Irma Zupanc will take place on Tuesday, 26th March 2024 at 16.30 in the Bohinj House. The content of the presentation on embroidery will...

Relaxation and regeneration with sound

Zvok vpliva na nas na vseh ravneh – tako na fizični kot duševni ravni. Izpostavljenost zvočnemu onesnaženju in poplavi informacij, ki smo jima izpostavljeni v sodobnem času prida svoj delež k stresu in preobremenjenosti. Zvok je učinkovit pri odpravljanju stresa in je eden izmed najstarejših in najbolj naravnih načinov vzpostavljanja ravnovesja v človeku. Njegove dobrobiti...

Bohinj Saturday Market

Bohinj market with local produce and products. Every Saturday from 8 am to 1 pm in Bohinjska Bistrica.   You can choose from a variety of delicacies at the market: – Bohinjsko/From Bohinj branded products, – local dairy products and cheeses (including organic), – eggs and seasonal produce, – fish and fish culinary products, –...

The primordial of sound: intuitive singing and ancient voice therapy

The voice is the most subtle aspect of our physical manifestation. It is invisible, but it has visible effects. In order to reveal the light and power of our true authentic expression, you are invited to a special workshop! We will spend a day in the embrace of Bohinj, surrendering to a creative process that...

Creative Easter Egg Painting Workshop

Join us for an Easter Easter egg colouring workshop. Let your creativity blossom in Easter egg dyeing - an Easter party not to be missed. This workshop is for children aged 4-12 years; younger children must be accompanied by a parent. Maximum number of participants: 10 Meeting point: at 15.00 at the reception. Advance reservations...

Bohinj Saturday Market

Bohinj market with local produce and products. Every Saturday from 8 am to 1 pm in Bohinjska Bistrica.   You can choose from a variety of delicacies at the market: – Bohinjsko/From Bohinj branded products, – local dairy products and cheeses (including organic), – eggs and seasonal produce, – fish and fish culinary products, –...

Bohinj Saturday Market

Bohinj market with local produce and products. Every Saturday from 8 am to 1 pm in Bohinjska Bistrica.   You can choose from a variety of delicacies at the market: – Bohinjsko/From Bohinj branded products, – local dairy products and cheeses (including organic), – eggs and seasonal produce, – fish and fish culinary products, –...

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